Monday, May 31, 2010

Brand Advocacy: Subaru Badge of Ownership

Subaru Badge of Ownership

I like this propagation and advocacy badge that Subaru owners can take advantage of. This badge is added as a physical decal to their car which indicates how many cars they have owned and what passion(s) they like best.


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Tom Coates of Yahoo! describes, the ‘real world web’; connected things that blur the physical and virtual spaces - things that thrive primarily because they excite us as humans, rather than being a vehicle for demonstrating technical capability.

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Let's Colour Project - Making the world a more colorful place

After six months of dreaming, thinking, planning, painting, colouring, filming, editing and finessing I am so very proud to post the spectacular global film for the Let’s Colour Project: ‘Dulux Walls’. It is the result of 650 people from all over the world who came together in the name of colour. The 60 and 30 second versions of the film are launching tonight in France and then will follow in markets around the world.

Shot by multi-award winning director Adam Berg over four weeks in Brazil, France, London and India. What sets this film apart is that it is not actually a film. Every location is real. The stairs in Lapa-Brazil, the council estate in Aulnay-Paris, Virginia Primary School in Tower Hamlets-London and the boys school, main street and community centre in Jodhpur-India. All these places remain transformed by a palette of 120 wonderful vibrant colours of paint. The people you see painting are not actors, they are real people from the local areas who rolled up their sleeves with us to paint. 260 of them from all over the world. These are the people who fill the pages of this blog, whether by flickr slideshow, interview or in one of our documentaries posted below. The track behind this film -’Go Do’ by Jonsi- could not be better suited and acts as an emotive anthem or call to arms for the world to start colouring.

Grey is out. Gloom is gone. This is the beginning of a colour crusade that is spreading around the world. The more of us who join in, the bigger the splash will be. Come colour the world with us.

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The first remote controlled interactive ad for Skoda

In an age where TV ads can just be Tivo'ed away - we need to go an extra length to make people want to watch our ads. One sure way to do this is by engaging the consumer and giving him something to do. Be it replay our ad or in this case, flick the remote control at the ad - not to make it go away - but to make it do something. The Skoda guys in Poland got this and are running a really nice interactive ad stressing a special new feature on the new SkodaSuperb Estate: a remote controlled operated boot....while the video is a bit dull, the idea is just great: "let people experience the new feature with the TV's remote control"

What they did:
Most people in Poland watch TVP1 on channel 1 and TVP2 on channel 2. They ran 2 spots simultaneously on these channels, one showed the car with the boot closed and on the other channel with the boot opened. Underneath the image of the car they showed the message: ‘To open the boot press 2 on the TV remote’ and vice versa.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

The best Google Doodle Yet!

This might just be the best Google Logo yet! Created to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of Pac-Man, Google has launched a Pac-Man style logo game and it will be available for the next 48 hours at The game lets you insert a virtual coin (or two if you want to play multi-player) and then you battle your way through all 256 levels of Pac-Man goodness, if you have that kind of time!

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Brand Utility

This is a great presentation that makes sense of brand utility and brings us back to the basics of consumer client relations reminding us all that the first phrase a brand should iterate is: "What can I do for you?".

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Year of the banner 6

A cooking show in a banner.


A ‎fashion defile in a banner


A music player in a banner.


eBay's "Come to think of it" campaign reminds surfers that anything can be bought on ebay – not just second hand items but new ones as well.

Goodby is repositioning eBay from the place to go for flea market finds to a destination for everyday purchases.

The online rich media banner ads showcase eBay finds curated and demonstrated by experts, like the in-banner cooking show starring Spruce, San Francisco chef Mark Sullivan, who makes Moroccan spiced chicken from start to finish.




Download now or watch on posterous
eBay_Cooking09.mp4 (17886 KB)

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eBay_Fashion09.mp4 (9226 KB)

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eBay_Music09.mp4 (8579 KB)

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The Year of the Banner 5

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This is an absolutely amazing presentation that builds on the notion that we need more "ideas that do".

Why? Simply because today, contrary to common belief, perceptional change is achieved first by changing ones behavior...and the best way to do that is either to copy existing behavior or do something. We learn through doing. The outcome is much more immediate than having to explain away and rationalize the idea and motivation for change.

"Story-doing" is a much faster and more powerful way to get people involved immediately in the conversation and change their behavior and hence perceptions..

Hope this makes sense and I am not just ranting.
Read it and pass it on. There is some great wisdom in this.

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What is a brand anyway?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Crispin's old NEW rules for marketing

“If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Doing It Right.”

On April 13th, Alex Bogusky of Crispin Porter + Bogusky addressed 400 agency executives at The 2010 Mirren New Business Conference. His topic: “If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Doing It Right.” To grow Crispin from 16 – 1000 people at a pace not seen by many agencies, meant breaking a few rules. If you follow the rules of new business - if you follow the same path of every other agency, you can expect the same mediocre results.

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A Manifesto for Agile Strategy: oxymoron or innovation?

Click to view large

Read blog post by @madebymany here

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Social Media Revolution 2

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Year of the Banner 4

Check out this website I found at

When the Pepsi "Refresh Everything" campaign launched it was at about the same time Obama was set to give his inauguration speech. So Pepsi did something exceptional and creaed the “Dear Mr.President” campaign.

Basically a banner that empowered consumers to record a webcam message for the president directly from the video banner. De facto people could not only interact with the banner, but actually create content and push it back to the brand.

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The Year of the Banner3

Advertility - advertising+utility

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Robin of Shoreditch - by Faris Yakob


The 100 Brands Project from Robin of Shoreditch on Vimeo.

As the video above admirably explains, Robin of Shoreditch are an anonymous group of creative outlaws that are doing what they know how to do to help Haiti - creating ideas for brands. 

Specifically the top 100 brands by brand value, as listed on the BrandZ report that WPP puts together.

[Warning: This is a digression about brand valuation methodologies - you can skip it if you want...

The BrandZ valuation is made using discounted cash flow analysis

This is the sum of all future earnings attributable to the brand discounted to account for risk over time. 

This is pretty standard accounting stuff, but, as with all financial modeling, if you look closely at how it works, it's basically certain opinions, assumptions and predictions, structured into a spreadsheet.

The brand multiple is derived using the proprietary Brand Voltage metric, which 

"takes into account how many people are very loyal to the brand (the brand's bonding score) and claimed purchasing data for the category to produce a single Brand Voltage number." 

This means asking lots of people what they claim to do and then using it to guess what they will do in the futre. 

I think. 

Anyway, the final formula is this: 

Brand valuation method Brandz 

A big chunk of the formula is based on proprietary, claimed survey data that's been crunched in a certain way, which is worth keeping in mind. 

You can get the whole Brandz 2010 report here - and you should read it. 

There's lots of sensible thinking in it. 

And making what we do make sense to the finance guys is important. 

But always remember, when looking at research, that the methodology dictates both the nature and expression of the results, to a greater or less extent.

End of Digression]

And then invoicing them for one ten millionth of their supposed brand value if they want to use the idea - the money going straight to the Disaster Emergency Committee in Haiti. 

[To give you a number your brain can parse: since Nike was valued $11.9 million [in 2009], the brand will have to pay $1,199.90.] 

Invoicing is handled by their accounts department [justgiving] and you can find, friend, like, tweet, and find their blog from their 'homepage'.

So this is just lovely, isn't it? 

GO ON - try and be all cynical about this. I DARE YOU. Anonymous. GOOD THINGS. Haiti. 

And maybe, just maybe, it's a reminder that part of what makes brands valuable is their values.

The videos are simple and charming and have interesting IDEAS THAT DO in them and everything [I haven't found a single ad idea among them yet].

Here's one for T-Mobile about wishing everyone you know Happy Birthday for free with a reminder service that uses Open Graph [née Facebook Connect] - because, y'know, life's for sharing. 

This is good because, rather than trying to wrap product ads inside the brand platform - it is a product/service that brings the brand platform into the thing that the customer actually experiences and pays for and that.fa

Good work lads. 


Coda //

Little John: Are we good guys or bad guys? Our robbin' the rich to feed the poor?

Robin Hood: Rob? Tsk Tsk Tsk. That's a naughty word, we never rob! We just sort of borrow a bit from those that can afford it.

Little John: Borrow? Boy are we in debt!

Oo-De-Lally, Oo-De-Lally, Golly what a day

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The Year of the Banner 2

Vax's "Banner that Sucks" is a nice little banner that provides surfers with digital housekeeping. A nice little utility banner

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The Year of the Banner 1

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IKEA: Resize-a-Room is a smart little banner campaign. Simply click and drag the banner to any size you wish, and Ikea will refurbish the space accordingly.

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