Sunday, December 5, 2010

When the Mad Men Model No Longer Works

I love reading Edward Boches posts. Somehow they always manage to spin a new light and fresh perspective on things. This presentation is no different and puts forth the thesis that the 'Mad Men Model' of doing things has long past.

In fact we are living through times that are more challenging than ever making working in our industry not only fun but interesting as well. We have gone from the "Bernbach model" of doing things to the "T shaped" model. From one where size dictates success, to one where agility and nimbleness are key.

To put it in Clay Shirky's words 'we are living through the disorientation that comes from including 2 billion new participants in a landscape previously operated by a small group of professionals": a reality in which consumers can bend multi billion dollar companies to their will but also contribute, participate and influence.

We're talking about a new reality where brands need to create and evolve around communities, create experiences that do not impose themselves onto the consumer but rather invite them in while building on people's interests and passions while allowing them and enabling them to play an active role in evolving the experience even further through collaboration.

Sadly, many people in our business still do not fully grasp the scope of this change transferring old traditional models from the real world sphere to the digital one. But our world has changed forever. Irrevocably....and our business had better take note :
'If you don't like change, you will like irrelevance even less'.

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