Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Hard Rock Cafe Wall Rocks!

This is the Rock Wall at the Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas, possibly the most technologically advanced restaurant in the world.
The display wall is amazingly interactive and can accommodate up to 6 users at once.
It literally lets you browse the entire inventory of Hard Rock photo and video memorabilia in real time, and at full resolution.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Confusing Social Media with Media

The relationship between media and social media is like the relationship between egg and eggplant: They share a couple of the same letters, but they are not in the same taxonomy.” – Kevin SlavinArea/Code
This post is an exploration of a quote by Kevin Slavin from the Storytelling Throwdown panel at the CaT conference in 2009. The reason being that I find the comment so insightful and interesting I felt it deserved some increased attention. (video below)
Traditional media is a battle between stories. Where the reader, viewer or listener is already engaged in a story, the main story, the content. And the goal of the advertising is to create an even more interesting story so that the engagement switches focus. It’s a story competition.
In social media we are not engaging in stories, we are engaging in the exchange of ideas. Be that a conversation between friends, or the need to define ones identity or role in a group by sharing something. Social media is not a competition of stories, it’s a competition for the attention to each other.
In social media the relationships aren’t short, superficial, cliched or stereotypical, quite the opposite. People spend more and more time, delving deeper and deeper in into each other, connecting more and more.
This setting is very difficult to displace with storytelling in its conventional sense.What we need are narratives and systems that engage and work within this context of attention between people. Stories that accelerate or facilitate increased exchange of ideas, increased connections.
Our stories need to increase the social fabric between people, understanding the systems and drivers that come in to play when people connect to each other and help them continue strengthening their relationships.
“One way to think about it. It’s like the relationship between media and social media is like the relationship between egg and eggplant. They share just a couple of letters but they’re not in the same taxonomy. That it’s a fundamentally different experience.
And that it used to be when you where storytelling, that what you were competing for attention against where other stories. It’s sort of a story competition.
And the attention we are competing for now is the attention to each other.
That basically what we are doing during the day these days is spending more and more time, deeper and deeper connected to each other. And that’s very difficult to displace through storytelling in the conventional sense of storytelling. And I think its important to figure out how to think about narratives as systems that can engage that, and can sort of work within that type of attention rather than to pull away from that exclusively.”

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Posterous is web-anything on steroids

I’ve been studying the socialmediasphere for a few months now. I must have inscribed to every single web-app ages ago but never really got round to really studying it. A few months ago, I decided enough was enough. Working in advertising, there simply was no excuse not to know the ins and outs of social media. So, I started updating my Facebook account (opened way-back-when, when my sister got on my case about it ), reactivated my YouTube account, got onto Twitter and even opened my own blog!!!

But I quickly discovered that updating all of these account was amazingly time consuming and actually hard work. The app I enjoyed most was Twitter and I quicly became a twitterholic, simply because its 140-character-only-microblogging update feature made it easy and uncommitful to post stuff. It allowed fast updates and microglimses into all that was happening on the web and in the world. Enter Posterous, basically web-anything on steroids.

"A dead simple way to put anything online using email.”  All you have to do is email content (a link, text, photo, video, even MP3) to your email address at Posterous and it automatically posts it to your Posterous site – as well as over a dozen other social media platforms that you specify.

For any heavy social media user, Posterous is a huge asset. Forget one off apps that cross post your Tweets on Facebook.  Posterous does that and way, way more – removing the human syndication lift that we all did day in/day out.

Posterous fills a gap we didn’t even realize existed.  Twitter thrived because it helped facilitate personal, microinteractions – reinforcing, rather than competing with, long form blog posts.  Posterous fits nicely in the middle, as Guy Kawasaki said on his Posterous “Holy Kaw!” it’s, “For everything that’s slightly less than a blog post but slightly more than a tweet.”

From a “that’s so simple I can’t believe no one’s done it like that yet” standpoint the email link up is genius.  Email is still the fundamental way we communicate and underpinning of most of our devices.  You may not always be able to access your blogging app, or hop online to craft a post, but 99.99% of the time you have something with you that lets you send a simple email.

Posterous is simple enough that anyone publishing or participating on more than one platform should climb aboard.

Posted via email from trendspotting's posterous

The 4Ps are Dead! Long Live the 4Es

Brian Fetherstonhaugh - OgilvyOne's Chairman & Global CEO gave a great address that became the topic of one of my agency newsletters. The examples I give are a little different, but the rethoric is the same. For those able to read hebrew, here is my newsletter. For those who can't, here is a reproduction of Fetherstonhaugh wonderful and insightful article together with a short youtube video and link to the entire presentation.
Download now or preview on posterous
newsletter-0809.pdf (522 KB)
MANY OF US GREW UP with the Four Ps of Marketing: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Do you know when the Four Ps of Marketing were invented? In 1960, by Jerome McCarthy. They were made leading-edge by Philip Kotler in his book Principles of Marketing in 1967.
The Four Ps thrived in a different world. It was a wonderful fantasy world. Marketers were king. Product differences lasted. Big, obedient audiences could be reached with big, efficient media.
What is the world of marketing today? The consumer has seized control. Audiences have shattered into fragments and slices. Product differences can last minutes, not years. The new ecosystem is millions and billions of unstructured one-to-one and peer-to-peer conversations.
Marketing is in the hot seat. So many of the tools and assumptions we grew up with are no longer valid. Many marketing leaders around the world got promoted into their jobs because they did two great product launches and three great TV campaigns, and figured out how to work with a few major retailers.
According to a recent study by Spencer Stuart, the average tenure of a CMO is less than 24 months. And only 14 percent of CMOs have been in their positions with the same company for more than three years. A CMO Council 2007 report concludes that only one-third of board members are satisfi ed that their marketing leaders can explain the ROI of marketing.
We need a new framework. And a new tool kit. For starters, we need to throw away the Four Ps and embrace the Four Es:
from Product to Experience
from Place to Everyplace
from Price to Exchange
from Promotion to Evangelism
bf onmind pictures
Left: The Orange Babies campaign offered a simple exchange – in return for a donation, you receive a smile. Center: The Hershey’s store in Times Square has one of the highest sales figures per square foot of any retail space in America. Right: Johnnie Walker’s Personal Digital Assistant engages loyal drinkers when they are on the go.

from product to experience
Classic marketing instructed us to look at “product” features, fi nd a single consumer benefi t, and promote this over and over again to our target audience.
But in a world where most product advantages last less than six months, this strategy is losing relevance. A six-month, product-based advantage is a huge luxury. In financial services, an advantage may last a few weeks. On eBay, you may be special for a few seconds.
My advice is to stop thinking just about your product and start thinking about the full experience. And the fi rst step is to discover the Customer Journey. Do you know how customers shop for your category? Do you know who infl uences their purchases, and where and when their purchases happen? Do you know what happens after they buy?
If you don’t, you cannot understand the end-to-end customer experience. And you cannot know where to focus your precious marketing effort. When you think about the experience, not just the product or the advertising, you can do amazing things.
A few years ago, Hershey’s, an iconic U.S. chocolate company, asked us to put up a billboard ad in New York City’s Times Square. But instead of thinking about products and advertising, we imagined a brand experience and created an entire Hershey’s store for customers who visit Times Square.
The retail space is playful and full of childhood memories, inviting people in for a real-life experience with Hershey’s and its full range of products.
The store is a huge hit. It’s a focal point in Times Square, as well as a retail store with one of the highest sales figures per square foot in America.

from place to everyplace
It used to be that retail was a “place,” but now consumers create their own paths. Marketers need to understand the full range of possibilities in reaching people.
Instead of interrupting people, today we want to “intercept” them and make contact when they are most receptive to engaging with us as they go about their day. Here’s what we are doing about it at Ogilvy. We have created a global network of digital innovation labs, in Singapore, New York, London, Beijing and São Paulo.
We are hiring different kinds of people. Mark Seeger, the leader of our Ogilvy Digital Innovation Lab in Singapore, is an engineer, a product designer who worked on the Apple iPod, and a former rocket scientist at NASA. Not your average agency hire.
Mark and his colleagues invent interesting ways for our clients to connect their brands with their consumers. Recently, Mark and his team invented a virtual personal assistant who lives on a mobile phone – and helps the customers of a liquor brand in Asia enjoy life to the fullest. She tells them about upcoming entertainment promotions, and helps them get reservations and VIP access. She even has a webcam feature to show them which bar is hot and which bar is not.
It’s no longer only about interrupting to grab attention when people are watching television, reading a magazine or visiting a retail location. Today we have to intercept consumers on their turf and on their terms, and that could be anyplace or everyplace.

from price to exchange
“Price” used to be very simple: I give you a product, you give me money and I put it in the cash register.
For many marketers, the focus was on the cost side of the equation: keep costs down so we can keep prices competitive. Marketing leaders were highly aware of the cost of marketing inputs – commercial production, agency compensation, TV airtime and print production. But as Oscar Wilde said, “The cynic knows the price of everything
and the value of nothing.”
Today’s marketing leader needs to be aware of the value of things. In particular, you need to know what it takes for a consumer to give you precious things like their attention, their engagement and their permission.
Ogilvy Amsterdam brought the concept of exchange to life in a campaign for an organization called Orange Babies, which supports African mothers and children who are HIV positive. To raise money at a big trade show, they offered a simple exchange. People who donated money saw the effect immediately – in exchange for their donation, they got a big smile. And Orange Babies earned thousands and thousands of dollars for a great cause.
So, do you understand exchange? Do you know the value of your customers – what they really bring to you in revenue and profi t over their lifetime? What are you willing to offer your consumers in exchange for their attention, their engagement and their permission? The marketer needs to take the first step.

from promotion to evangelism
Through much of marketing’s history, “promotion” was sufficient. A single-minded product benefi t, creatively and persistently promoted, would often be a winning approach.
But increasingly, we are seeing a new and more powerful approach – evangelism. By this I mean creating a mission and brand experience that are so inspiring to consumers that they engage with you – and share their enthusiasm with others. What makes evangelism so powerful today is how it marries the oldest form of persuasion – word of mouth – and the newest – social networking and Web 2.0.
Marketing in a fragmented, multichannel world needs a powerful heart. The key ingredients are emotion and passion. As a marketing leader of the future, you must know how to find the energy and passion in what you are selling.
Which brings me to what we at Ogilvy call the The big ideaL™. Simply stated, a Big Ideal is a universal, enduring theme that a brand stands for. It’s the emotional center. And we have found that the best way to locate this emotional center is to start with a deep understanding of what your brand is really great at – your brand’s best self – and then to connect this to an important cultural truth or trend that is going on in society. This is a place where you will fi nd energy and passion.

bf onmind chart
The Dove brand is over 50 years old. Its heritage was in selling simple and honest beauty products to women. It was successful, but we all believed there was more potential. It was when we linked together the brand’s best self with a cultural truth about women and beauty that the business really took off.
It started with a research insight: after decades of stereotyping by the fashion and beauty industries, global research revealed that only two percent of women believe they are beautiful. The leaders of Dove took a different view – women’s beauty today is much more diverse in age and size and color. Real beauty is what matters.
And so Dove’s Big Ideal was articulated as: “Dove believes the world would be a better place if women were allowed to feel good about themselves.”
Rather than just tell women its theory, Dove decided to engage women around the world in a debate. And so the Campaign for Real Beauty was born. It started with a website and a public relations campaign. Women were invited to join the debate, and millions did. One Dove viral video, Evolution, achieved such astonishing consumer sharing and free media support that it has been seen by an estimated 500 million viewers. And the Campaign for Real Beauty has helped drive Dove sales to record levels.
So it’s time for marketing to move on. Retool. Evolve.
EXPERIENCE Discover and map out the full Customer Journey on your own brand – in your own country.
Develop your knowledge of new media and channels the way a chef masters new ingredients. Try new things – do something that doesn’t start with TV or print.
EXCHANGE Appreciate the value of things, not just the cost. Start by calculating the value of your customers – and what their attention, engagement and permission are worth to you.
EVANGELISM Find the passion and emotion in your brand. Inspire your customers and employees with your passion.

Posted via email from trendspotting's posterous