|  A lot of things have happened during the past few years. New media have become far more than just toys for nerds; they now have an impact on everybody’s life to a greater extent than ever before – from the cell phone in your pocket and industries fighting to survive down to your old high-school friend you block on Facebook to prevent him from bothering you every time you’re online.  We’re currently experiencing a time of change – a change during which a whole generation is evolving; this generation is growing up with an entirely new media behavior. It can’t imagine a world without new media.  Now, also, the marketing industry must adapt, since you can hardly reach this generation using means and methods from the past.  This book helps traditional advertising and marketing people master the step into the digital era, providing tools to create campaigns that reach the people of today.  It was not written by a CMO giving expensive seminars and presenting big theories with no solutions, but by a creative team dealing with and living the changes in media every day.  The team, Innovative Thunder, specializes in innovative marketing and has gathered experience by working with three of the world’s leading marketing agencies - Jung von Matt, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, as well as currently, R/GA, New York.
  OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?  1969 - 2010  WHAT SHOULD I DO?  GOOD TO KNOW FOR YOURSELF:  Digital is not a job for specialists anymore.  Lose the New Media Phobia.  Make the generational change in your head.  Live the media.  Make a Techi friend.  GOOD TO KNOW IN GENERAL:  Interactive doesn’t mean it’s digital.  Integrate. Don’t interrupt.  Having a blog is not enough.  “If an idea doesn’t work online, it’s not a good idea.”  Every campaign is a global campaign.  Focus on the individual.  The Social Filter.  Lies have long Tweets.  It doesn’t cost anything to listen.  Add meaning, not media.  Own the media.  GOOD TO KNOW ABOUT TECHNOLOGY:  Using an innovative technology doesn’t make an innovative idea.  Technology has to serve the people.  Technology is deployed right, when it’s invisible.  “Things are only impossible until they are not.”  GOOD TO KNOW FOR YOUR IDEAS:  Focus on one.  The three types of integrated campaigns.  Viral is not YouTube.  Don’t plan to be viral. Plan to be awesome.  The Viral Test.  Do it for real.  The Forced Viral.  Give it a name.  Serve the On-Demand-Society.  Make it accessible.  Make it mixable.  Make it shareable.  Use the power of the status message.  Become personal.  Everyone is a reporter.  Exceed expectations.  Dope your products digitally.  Give your story a simple idea.  Banners are the new print ads.  GOOD TO KNOW IN GENERAL: PART 2  Buying doesn’t mean you own it.  Use the crowd.  User-Gen needs guidance.  The Freemium Model.  The $9.900 elf.  Piracy pushes innovation.  The Neomobilization.  The people will be always online.  Everything will be digital.  The End. So far ... | |
Check it out - it is soooooooooo worth a read.
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