Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Primo New Zealand - choose your experience
I really don't want to spoil the fun so all I am gonna say is you've got to watch both videos.
Calvin Klein's QR Billboard
This past weekend, Calvin Klein Jeans replaced three of its billboards — two in downtown New York and one on Sunset Boulevard in LA — not with another racy montage of scantily clad models, but with a bright red QR code under the words “Get It Uncensored.”
Passersby can use their smartphones to snap a picture, which will pull up an exclusive, 40-second commercial featuring models Lara Stone, “A.J.,” Sid Ellisdon, Grayson Vaughan and Eric Anderson. After the spot plays, viewers can then share the code with their Facebook and Twitter networks. The billboard marks the official premiere of Calvin Klein Jeans’s Fall 2010 advertising campaign. Previous campaigns have debuted on more traditional venues, the company explained, such as broadcast and dedicated online sites.
QR codes are increasingly appearing in advertisements as a way to increase engagement with consumers. Although already common in Japan (where they were originally invented), they do not appear in many advertisements — much less take up an entire billboard. Most U.S. citizens still do not own smartphones, and even those that do don’t necessarily know what a QR code is or have the necessary scanning software to read it.
The billboards are clearly a test run for Calvin Klein Jeans, given that they will be up for only a little more than a week. If the videos get enough views, however, we can expect similar billboards in the future — both from Calvin Klein Jeans and from other brands. It’s often difficult to measure engagement with billboards, and QR codes help advertisers better measure their impact.
What do you think of the billboard? Have you ever scanned a QR code in an advertisement?
Eva Hasson| Trendspotting Director
13, Rozanis St. Tel Aviv, 69018 Israel.
T: +972-3-7468000 | F: +972-3-7468001 | C: +972-544-666283
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Cannes 2008
Winner of 5 Lions: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 16 Shortlists
Cannes 2009
Winner of 4 Lions: 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 11 Shortlists
Awarded 2nd Media Agency of the Year
Cannes 2010
Winner of 4 Lions: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 10 Shortlists
Levi's Goes Mechanical With Houston Street Billboard
I t would seem Levi's is testing a new mechanical billboard in New York. Adrants reader Floyd Hayes sent us this video of the board which he guesses will ultimately spell out "We're All in This Together."
It's an interesting execution. Nothing stunningly new but if the mechanics end up spelling out different phrases with the same mechanical wheels, that would be kinda cool. Video after the jump.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Cannes 2010 Winners for Press/Cyber/Design
<div><div style="width:420px;text-align:left;">Open publication - Free publishing - More cannes lions</div></div>
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Old Spice - @Everyone - signing off
@iaintait and his W&K team hope you get some well deserved rest after a truly awesome campaign!
I was on a horse!
Old Spice - @Everyone - signing off internet friends.
Sorry, flash is not available.
-->@iantaint and his crew have got style!
I'm on a horse.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Cannes Lions Initiative "Unlocking The Power of Mobile"
The mobile phone is set to overtake the computer as the most common device to access the internet.
Speaking at the Cannes Lions Advertising Festival, Bader cited new research from the Interpublic Group network, which surveyed 8,000 active smartphone users in the UK, the US, Sweden, China, India and South Korea.
He went on to say that when given the choice between having only mobile internet and having only computer-based internet, one third of consumers currently opted for mobile internet, noting this rose to nearly half among the most technically advanced users, whom he termed "innovators".
There were differences from market to market – in India for example, where internet access is limited, nearly half (49%) said they would choose mobile – but underlying trends were said to be "striking".
Mobile was identified as being used more in-home than out-of-home, with 60% of smartphone usage now taking place at home.
Bader said this highlighted just how much the mobile market had developed since its inception, when the main reason for owning a mobile used to be about making or accepting calls.
He said: "The truth is that laptops might become extinct inside the home fairly soon."
The number one activity for mobile internet was social communications (27%), followed closely by email (26%).
The agency has now released the survey called 'Unlocking the power of mobile’, which also demonstrated that mobile internet was not only about the youth and business consumer.
Smartphone users were said to be well spread across all age groups around the world, and were considered to be always on.
Across both weekdays and weekends, 30% of all smartphone users were said to start their day with mobile internet and 45% end their day with it.
Aegis Media Start in a Different Place
Here's one more presentation from Cannes: Aegis Media "Start In A Different Place"
Too often the default solution to a communications challenge is to start with an ad. Yet when looking at the brands that have garnered the most attention and respect in the last decade, it becomes clear that many of them have started in a different place.
Malcolm Hunter looks at those brands that have successfully started in a different place, identifies the different types of places that are now available, and suggests a process for finding them
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Old Spice ‘On A Horse’ Guy Replies to Tweets On Youtube
The Old Spice "I'm on a horse" campaign just got smokin' hot: Answering tweets with wacky vids on YouTube.
Many of my friends have adopted the "I;m a a horse" describe a wide range of situaions and while I liked the commercial, it didn't go much further than that.
Now I think it's brilliant. The commercial which started out as very likeable has just become very remarkable and very sharable. Old Spice with the help of W&K have turned a very “sharable” campaign and made it “social.”
They are now tweeting in the voice of the commercials and with the actor from the commercial as the avatar. This is great integration.
And to take it a step further, they are now shooting personalized Youtube responses to messages on Twitter. Check it out and tweet something to @OldSpice.
My friend shot a message out on Twitter the other day about how he loved the new Old Spice commercials. and it was pretty cool when he got a reply message on Twitter in character from the @OldSpice account.
Doing a commercial style Youtube reply? That takes things to a whole other level. THIS is remarkable stuff.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Live Twitter, YouTube and Facebook-Based Murals
Live Twitter, YouTube and Facebook-Based Murals
Real time tourism campaign - love it
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Google Reader (1000+)
from (title unknown) by rubbishcorp®YouTube Play is a collaboration between YouTube and the Guggenheim Museum to unearth and showcase the very best creative video from around the world. To have your work considered, simply post it on YouTube, and then submit it at A jury will decide which works will be presented at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York on October 21, 2010 with simultaneous presentations at the Guggenheim museums in Berlin, Bilbao, and Venice. The videos will be on view to the public from October 22 through 24 in New York and on the YouTube Play channel – here.
Google Chrome FastBall
Google Chrome FastBall
A race across the internet…
To showcase how well the new Chrome native Flash support runs, Google has created a Flash-based game that sits on top of YouTube. It’s called Chrome Fastball and it’s a combination of YouTube video and a task-based activities that you have to complete as quickly as possible.
If you go here, you can have a pop – it’s fun.